Pitt 4-Square holds dodgeball tournament


Is scent the strongest sense tied to memory, or is it pain? After all, nothing says… Is scent the strongest sense tied to memory, or is it pain? After all, nothing says nostalgia like a red rubber ball pummeling you in the gut.

The Pitt Four-Square Club aimed to resolve this question with some good, clean fun by sponsoring dodgeball – a game of childhood revelry.

“There is talk and willing spirit to expand beyond four-square and branch into related games including, but not limited to, dodgeball, kickball, hacky-sac, and/or potentially red rover,” the club’s Web site states.

In keeping with their annual tradition, the club took a temporary hiatus from its usual Monday night four-square games and instead organized a post-Thanksgiving game of dodgeball in the Bellefield Hall gymnasium.

“We normally get between 25 and 75 people on Monday nights for four-square outside Posvar and David Lawrence,” club President Justin Keogh said. “But for transitional events like this one, this is a pretty good turnout.”

Around 17 male students and one female student came out for the event, some of whom were members of the club and some of whom were first-time participants.

“If you get hit in the face, you’re not out,” Keogh added. “And please don’t aim for each other’s faces.”

Shielded by little more than their flimsy T-shirts and exposed palms beseeching mercy, the players unleashed and dodged a flurry of four-square balls to the cry of “On your mark