Students learn about passports


Studying as an international student in the United States isn’t just about obtaining a visa… Studying as an international student in the United States isn’t just about obtaining a visa and enduring the hassle of flying overseas on breaks.

While in the United States, maintaining a current legal status can be just as time consuming as initially applying to enter the country.

Luckily for international students at Pitt, there’s a seminar and an office that helps them keep abreast of current immigration laws and procedures.

The seminar, “PASSPORT to U.S. Immigration Regulations,” was held yesterday in the William Pitt Union as a part of the PASSPORT program held by the Office of International Services.

PASSPORT, which stands for Preparing and Assisting Students and Scholars at Pitt through Orientation, Resources and Training, is a program series intended to assist visiting professors and international students currently attending Pitt.

During the seminar, attendees learned about the four different statuses international students and workers can maintain while in the United States and the steps needed to keep that status throughout their stay.

According to Genevieve Cook, an immigration specialist with the OIS, level of status affects everything from the places international students can work while in school, to the number of credits they must take, and whether their education can be self-funded or funded through outside sources.

Although the OIS processes documents for students and scholars, it is up to individuals to be aware of what they need to do to be able to stay in the United States and finish their program, Cook added.