Top ten reasons to be a Pitt News columnist


10. Be the spokesperson for your generation that you’ve always wanted to be.

9. Earn beer… 10. Be the spokesperson for your generation that you’ve always wanted to be.

9. Earn beer money.

8. Your opinions will seem three times as valid because they’re in print.

7. Save The Pitt News from turning into a mouthpiece of the establishment.

6. Save The Pitt News from turning into a hippy-dippy liberal rag.

5. Immerse yourself in the stimulating Pitt News work environment. There might even be cookies involved.

4. You can try, but you probably won’t find cooler people on campus.

3. Have your face surrounded by your words — even most hallucinogenic drugs can’t do that for you.

2. Columns are giant rectangles, and you really can’t argue with geometry.

1. We want you. Seriously.

Contact the Opinions Editor, Sarah, at [email protected] for more info or stop by The Pitt News office, 434 WPU, to pick up an application.