Stump the Sieg


Which current Pirate played in the Arizona Fall League with Michael Jordan?

Who are the… Which current Pirate played in the Arizona Fall League with Michael Jordan?

Who are the only two NBA players to score at least 50 points twice in a playoff series?

Which team did Barry Bonds hit five homers against in one series five years ago? This performance ignited his run to 73 home runs.

What was unique about the day Steve Smith put the puck in his own net against Calgary in the 1986 Campbell Cup Semifinals, costing the Oilers a chance at their third straight Stanley Cup? And what country was he born in?

Think you know the answers to staff writer Dave Siegal’s questions? For this week’s answers, e-mail [email protected]. Also, e-mail your own questions to try and Stump the Sieg. If you can, your name and question will appear in next week’s installment.