Pitt News botches article


The Pitt News misreported a story involving a hacker and Visa accounts yesterday.

According… The Pitt News misreported a story involving a hacker and Visa accounts yesterday.

According to The Pitt News article “Hacker cracks Visa accounts,” PNC deactivated 16,000 check cards last week after receiving information that a hacker broke into the processing company’s computer system and gained access to credit card numbers. That information is incorrect.

PNC representative Darcel Kimble explained yesterday that PNC noticed some activity on cards last week that could have been fraudulent and began shutting down cards, but she did not comment on the number of cards. Kimble added that in addition to taking action on cards that were affected, action was taken on cards that could potentially have been affected.

Kimble also said that no customer’s identity was compromised and that PNC does not hold customers accountable for fraudulent charges.

Kimble called The Pitt News yesterday to point out mistakes in the article.

“Obviously, we’re very embarrassed,” Editor in Chief Jessica Lear said. “I think we can learn from this terrible mistake.”

The Pitt News regrets the error and apologizes to PNC and any readers who were misled by the article.

“We want to extend our sincerest apologies to PNC,” Lear said.

Kimble said that PNC is working with the proper authorities and that any customer who has questions about his or her account should call (800) PNC-BANK.