Karaoke relieves stress


Let’s face it people, with finals charging at us full speed, school is becoming a very hectic… Let’s face it people, with finals charging at us full speed, school is becoming a very hectic place. The weather is getting to be unbearable, as well as unpredictable, and in addition, many professors still feel the need to assign work during such trying times.

So my fellow students, I write you today to let you in on a little secret that I just came across, which, at least for me, has become very helpful in easing that tension.

No nasty, it’s not that, and it’s not a controlled substance either – it’s karaoke.

Recently, I, accompanied by some very close friends of mine, attended a karaoke bar. As usual, I was broke. However, I sat around attentively immersed in the conversation, as my friends downed drink after drink.

I mentioned their journey to being inebriated only to express the inviting nature of karaoke. It is an activity that is so much fun in itself, there isn’t even a need to drink. With $2 martinis and this wonderful little drink rightfully titled a Black Orgasm placed strategically along the table, it happened. One of the young ladies in our group drunkenly stumbled upon the courage to perform.

I watched in admiration as she confidently swaggered to the DJ and asked him to play an instrumental by Jill Scott. Once the music came through the speakers, it was on. She immediately lit up the place with her rendition of “Cross My Mind.” I loved it and instantly became envious.

What song could I sing?

Immediately I began contemplating my star potential. Could I really pull off the falsetto of Prince or the speedy lyricism of Bone Thugz-n-Harmony, or should I just stick to something more comical like a song by Bow Wow or R. Kelly? I ultimately decided with Boyz II Men’s “On Bended Knee.”

With the help of two of my friends, we wooed the audience with quality vocals and timely pelvic thrusts. We not only received standing ovations, but many of the women present came “on stage” to be closer to us during our performance. It was amazing. All of the worries of the day, the stress, the classes, the smudge on my new shoes and the homework I hadn’t done, were forgotten. And to think, I have a man named Irv Kratka to thank for all my joy.

In the late ’70s, karaoke, as we now know it, was introduced in Japan by Kratka. The word “karaoke” comes from the joining of two Japanese words: ‘Kara’ (empty) and ‘Okie’ (short for orchestra). One old Japanese folk tale claims that, “A snack bar owner, when a performer failed to appear, put on tapes of music and asked people if they wanted to sing.”

After receiving much praise and congratulations for his decision, the owner, Kratka, decided to continue this practice and hence birthed the first karaoke bar. From such insignificant beginnings, karaoke has spread, not just throughout Japan, but also throughout the world.

Many people claim that the reason for the incredible success of karaoke in Japan was because it provided a typically reserved people the opportunity to release their inhibitions. This not only makes perfect sense, but can be properly translated to college life as well.

College life is full of challenges and obstacles. Students are constantly working and struggling to maintain sanity in this hectic atmosphere. With finals coming up, rather than turn to the bottle or just bottle up all your frustrations, why not grab a microphone and sing an old ’90s song until the establishment closes?

So my fellow Pitt students, next time things are not going your way or you just really need a quick little midweek pick me up, head over to a local karaoke spot and get your sing-thing on. For those of you not in the know, Joe Mama’s has karaoke night every Sunday, while Qdoba features this activity on Tuesday nights.

These fine establishments offer great food and spirits for those of you of age and with meager to no courage. Everyone needs to experience being a star, if only for a moment. The love from the crowd and the excitement of performing, if only temporarily, has the power to make all problems and worries seem so miniscule. Karaoke helps us to focus on the important things in life – fun, courage, friendship and good music.

Brandon will be filling in for Opera Man this week in the effort to raise money to drink this weekend. So hook a brotha’ up or pledge your donations by sending him an e-mail at [email protected].