SGB’s final meeting mirthful


Student Government Board members prove that love conquers all.

SGB wrapped up its term… Student Government Board members prove that love conquers all.

SGB wrapped up its term under outgoing president Brian Kelly with anecdotes, well wishes and just a hint of controversy.

As the 2005 SGB held its last meeting Tuesday night on the sixth floor of the William Pitt Union, board members reflected on the high points and the low points of the past year.

“I’m just happy that I’m not going to be in The Pitt News anymore,” board member Dilinus Harris joked with the audience.

“For real, guys, I don’t care! This is still my board room!” Kelly announced jokingly to the audience as he commanded their attention.

“We not only became board members, but we became really great friends,” Board member Bekah Bambling said.

Despite an outpouring of sentiment from board members, business continued as usual as the Board heard recommendations from the allocations committee.

Earlier in the day, the Pitt Program Council requested to re-open its budget by requesting a $10,000 supplement to host O.A.R. at the Bigelow Bash in the spring.

Large student organizations that receive budgeted money from SGB do not have the option of requesting supplemental funds.

“If we open the door to PPC, then other groups would be beating down our door the next day, and I can’t blame them,” Turbanic said.

“We just really wanted to put on a quality program for the students,” she added.

PPC withdrew its request late yesterday, and now the appearance of O.A.R. at Pitt this spring is still in question.

The Todd Brandon Morris Board Member of the Year award, created by the former board member while he was in office, went to Bekah Bambling.

“I remember meeting Bekah and thinking, ‘She’s so cute and she has no idea what she’s getting into.’ Board member Bambling has earned this award because of her unwavering dedication to helping students,” board member Monica Higgins said.

“This experience has been amazing for me,” Bambling said as tears filled up her eyes. “I really have tried to put the best interest of the students of this university as my first priority, and I really have enjoyed working with all of you.”

Bambling ran a failed campaign for re-election in November’s SGB elections.

In addition to allocations recommendations, The Board also approved appointments and elections results.

Allocations chair Michelle Turbanic was re-appointed. The Board also approved a new internal and external allocations committee and the results from November’s election.

Board member and business manager Joe Pasqualichio will return in January as the 2006 SGB President and board member Jennifer Anukem will also return in January to serve on the 2006 board.

“I see the people on this board going on to do great things in the future,” Anukem said. “I look forward to serving next year.”

Rounding out the 2006 board is Alli Winn, Will Powers, Aimee Kleer, Erica Lillquist, Sheila Isong, Joe Leinbaugh and Shady Henien.

Departing board member Higgins dispensed wisdom on the new board members in the audience.

“If I never teach you anything, you move to make a motion,” Higgins said.

Board member Liz Blasi also provided some advice for new board members.

“To the new board, my biggest piece of advice to you is to always make your own decisions. Never ever feel like you should make a decision because someone else tells you to. You were elected by thousands of students on this campus. Don’t forget that.” Blasi said.

Board member Zach Ransom left the meeting early, but wished President-elect Pasqualichio good luck with his upcoming term. Ransom led an unsuccessful bid for the presidency against Pasqualichio in November.

“From the bottom of my heart, I wish you the best of luck next year,” Ransom said as he shook Pasqualichio’s hand.

“I’m not sad that I’m not on The Board next year because I don’t think for me anything could top this board,” Harris said.