City more fun than dorm


It was the last inning. The bases were loaded and nobody was out. My star hitter, Bowser, was… It was the last inning. The bases were loaded and nobody was out. My star hitter, Bowser, was up to bat. But right before Donkey Kong could throw the next pitch, a great man – yes, a real human being – interrupted our game.

“Is this really how you guys want to spend your time at college?” It wasn’t just our Saturday – it was much bigger than that. Sure, you think that it’s just a lazy weekend now, but these years are going to fly past us faster than Willie Parker. Soon we’ll all be stuck in the real world, with real jobs and real problems. So, while we’re lucky enough to be here, why waste away our days laying in bed or watching television, when the city of Pittsburgh, also known as our campus, has so much more to offer?

Go to a concert. Pick up one of those multi-colored flyers for small shows that literally cover campus. Earlier this year, two of my roommates and I decided to go to a small, underground rap concert that featured artists I’d never heard of. It turned out to be a great show, as many real-life concerns were expressed over the recorded beats, including foreign policy and one MC’s loathing of the grapefruit-flavored soft drink Fresca.

You may not be seeing the reincarnation of the Beatles, but you’ll never know if you don’t try it out. Even if you don’t find your next favorite band, as a soul-singing transvestite at the hookah bar comes to mind, chances are you will still have a good time. By the way, shewas a decent singer, and according to my buddy, kind of cute. Her funky rendition of “Over the Rainbow” was a big hit, even if it didn’t exactly trigger memories of Judy Garland. Maybe her uncle.

Go to a movie, a play or a game. It’s impossible to be bored at PNC Park; one never knows what will happen next. Will they catch that routine pop-up? Will the two outfielders collide and allow five runs? Will the manager suddenly decide to pinch-hit with the Parrot? That kind of unpredictability keeps me on the edge of my seat for nine innings. For the most part, the players come off as loveable losers, except for the time that Jason Bay refused to take the white rose being offered to him by a 14-year-old girl. Way to break a girl’s heart, Jason.

Don’t have any money? Go to a museum. No excuses can be made for not going to the Carnegie. Right beside the Cathedral is a cultural oasis of classical, modern and ancient art. You can even see some dinosaurs and rocks and stuff like that, if that’s what you’re into. It’s the perfect place to go if you have any free time, including just an hour between classes.

You don’t even have to understand what’s going on there. I had a great time with a friend the other day walking around and using various abstract paintings and sculptures as ink-blot tests. You can learn a lot from these things, like how to deal with personal conflict and interesting Kama Sutra positions.

Or you can go hang out in a park. I can’t wait until the ground is covered with snow so we can go sledding and have snowball fights. One of my favorite memories from last year is sliding down the hill by the Pete on folding tables and plastic boxes. It was one of those times when even getting hurt was fun. I didn’t mind that my box got completely destroyed and I had no place to put my clothing; it was all worth it.

Lack of transportation is no excuse. Flashing a piece of plastic can get you anywhere you could want to go in the city. I have a car, and many times public transportation proves to be the better choice. Sometimes you can even get all your shopping done before you get off, especially if you were looking to buy cheap watches or DVDs.

There are so many other things out there that are easy to find if you try. There are exhibits, film festivals and celebrations all over the city. The next time your roommate complains about having nothing to do, find the weekend section of some newspaper and slap them across the face with it. Then, go out and find something exciting.

So that Saturday afternoon, a bunch of us went out to the Waterfront to get a bite to eat. It wasn’t anything too exciting – a few guys around a table of greasy cheeseburgers talking about school and life. Something as small as that is so much more satisfying than sitting around and playing a video game. Even if that game involves a gorilla pitching a ball at a giant turtle.

Thanks, Jeff. E-mail Sam at [email protected].