SGB committee facilitates voter registration


The chair of Student Government Board’s governmental relations committee is urging students to… The chair of Student Government Board’s governmental relations committee is urging students to register to vote for the Nov. 8 mayoral election.

Chairman Jared Solomon has organized the distribution of voter registration guides that tell students if they are qualified to vote. The guides also give tips on filling out voter registration forms.

“It is vitally important that as many students as possible register and vote. In 2004, nearly 1,500 students voted,” Solomon wrote. “A strong turnout this fall would go a long way in helping show our campus activism, awareness and political clout.”

In order to vote, you must have been a U.S. citizen for at least a month, a resident of Pennsylvania for at least 30 days before the election and at least 18 years old by the day of the election.

If you have changed your campus address since last fall, you must reregister. First-time voters will be asked to present valid photo identification upon registration.

Forms are available on the sixth floor of the William Pitt Union in SGB’s office. Solomon also left a pile of registration forms in the lobby of the Union.

Registration ends Tuesday, Oct. 11.

In November, frontrunner Democrat Bob O’Connor will run against underdog Republican Joe Weinroth. Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans five to one in Pittsburgh.

Solomon said that he will take a collection of students’ registration forms to the Office of the Registration Commission Tuesday. Interested students must submit their forms to Solomon in the SGB office by Monday afternoon.