Mind over matter every time, especially with females


I was walking down the street in Baltimore, near 18 or so bars near an open square. They call… I was walking down the street in Baltimore, near 18 or so bars near an open square. They call it “The Powerhouse.” Every girl there from 16-25 years of age was dressed completely trashily. It was about 40 degrees outside, and they were all wearing halter tops, mini skirts and hooker boots and wearing entirely too much makeup and jewelry — most of them stumbling around completely drunk.

It was at this point that 12 girls in nothing but bras and panties came running by screaming, exposing their tattooed, nasty bodies and leaving their hair flapping in the wind. One of the girls in the halter tops turned to the other one and said rather loudly, “Skanks!”

I had to laugh to myself at the irony of the situation. I couldn’t understand her hypocritical disgust. These girls, and many elsewhere, think that exposing flesh or looking like trash is the way to get a guy’s attention. It completely bewilders me that some girls think this kind of attention is desirable.

Granted, there are some women out there who are just looking to get laid. This is fine, but going to a party or club and finding a stranger to do it with is a bad idea. First off, there’s a huge possibility of getting a disease. Second, the sex isn’t going to be nearly as good as it would be if it were passionate and meaningful. Third, the sex isn’t going to be as good physically. Anyone who is only interested in one night of sex probably isn’t going to be too concerned with giving the other person pleasure.

There is also the possibility that the women think they are being empowered feminists by having one-night stands. I do believe that a woman’s ability to be open about her sexuality is a huge success of the feminist movement, and a woman should be able to be open about her desire for sex. It is sexy when a woman knows what she wants and pursues it.

However, dressing like a hooker, pretending to be empty-minded, getting drunk and lowering your standards will not garner any respect from others or from yourself.

There are guys out there who are only interested in sex too, and that will lead to problems in many of the same ways. There is something to be said about the hypocrisy of how it is acceptable for a man to be promiscuous, but not for a woman. I think it’s just as empty and meaningless for men, but they don’t pretend to be anything they are not in order to do it;they don’t objectify themselves or try to be any less intelligent.

I despair for the future of humanity every time I walk into South Oakland on a Saturday night and I see the parade of women selling their dignity for a five-dollar cover charge and three or four Pabst Blue Ribbons. That’s a pretty cheap price to be selling yourselves for; don’t stoop that low, girls. Don’t make yourself an object — something to be lusted after, as opposed to being someone to be intimate with.

I’d like to think there are more guys out there like me. Initially, we are attracted to the girl’s looks, but if there’s nothing upstairs, it’s a huge turn-off. It’s the mind that keeps us coming back for more.

To me, there is nothing more sexual than a woman’s mind. When I find a woman who can really make me think in new ways, that sees a whole other dimension to things, that is sexy. When I find a woman who can take a side on an issue, get the facts and argue her opinion with conviction, I’m turned on. If I find a woman who figures something out about me that I didn’t even know, and who makes my mind or my soul grow a little bit, I am more attracted than any little miniskirt could make me. Speak to me in Latin or French, and I’m putty in your hands.

If you would like to blow Dan’s mind, e-mail him at [email protected].