Your soundtrack for an indie Valentine’s Day


You may have a sweetheart and you may not, but in any case, enjoy these timeless tunes that… You may have a sweetheart and you may not, but in any case, enjoy these timeless tunes that will make you want to hold hands or cry into your shot glass, indie style.

1. Dntel — “Why I’m So Unhappy.” This song is reflective of Dntel’s incredibly ambient and beautiful production on the fantastically underrated Life is Full of Possibilities. Still not sure who he is? This album led to the birth of the Postal Service with the song “The Dream of Evan and Chan,” featuring Death Cab for Cutie’s Ben Gibbard. In any case, this magnificent song features Rachel Haden of That Dog. Her voice wraps wonderfully around the sullen and lonesome song. Gorgeous.

2. Frou Frou — “It’s Good to Be in Love.” It’s hard to decide how to classify this band. Most of you will recognize their song “Let Go,” which has been featured in a few movie trailers (they’ve also been featured on the “Garden State” soundtrack). Vocally speaking, it will get you Sigur Ros fans excited while delivering an electronic pop sound sweet enough to keep you bouncy and delighted.

3. Muse — “Bliss.” Origin of Symmetry was full of incredibly catchy tunes, and this song speaks from the heart. “Everything about you is so easy to love / they’re watching from above / Give me all the peace and joy in your mind / I want all the peace and joy in your mind.” This is a fantastic song from British rockers who know what it is to be in love. This is an older song for those of you who are only familiar with Absolution, so check it out.

4. Radiohead — “There There.” Of the newer Radiohead tunes, this is one of the best. It also has an interesting vibe, as the song itself feels kind of sad: “Just ’cause you feel it doesn’t mean it’s there.” But the fantastic ending points out how “Heaven sent you to me.” And that “we are accidents waiting to happen.” So is it remembering the past or making the best of the current situation? Either way, it speaks volumes about Radiohead’s sheer brilliance.

5. Travis — “Happy to Hang Around.” Ah, the beauty of unrequited love. These Scottish rockers know how to mellow out for a ballad; “And I’ll never get into your heart / though I don’t even want to start … I’m just happy to hang around.” You simply cannot go wrong with this one.