SGB fields funding concerns from groups


The Student Government Board meeting on Tuesday looked more like a rowing practice session, as… The Student Government Board meeting on Tuesday looked more like a rowing practice session, as more than 30 members of the Pitt Rowing Team filled the room to talk about funding after the team was denied $3,950 it requested for training over spring break.

Dan Fox, the business manager for the team, clarified that the money was not being used for a “spring break” in the traditional sense for the team, but rather for a training session crucial for the upcoming season.

Fox stated that the team cannot practice in the water of Pittsburgh during the cold weather, so the team must travel south in order to get quality training time.

“Eat, sleep and row,” is the slogan that the team lives by during this trip, Fox stated.

The board members opposed the denial of the money, and a final decision on funding will be made at next week’s meeting.

Another group was present at the meeting to discuss funding: The Black Dance Workshop also appeared to defend its request for $2,000, money that the group said would be used to purchase costumes for their spring show.

The allocations committee recommended to deny the funding in full.

After answering several questions by board members about storage and past funding, the group must wait until next week for the final decision.

SGB was very excited to announce the new funding policies for the allocations committee.

In order to regulate the money given to certain activities and organizations, SGB has established prohibitions and restrictions, such as the denial of money to be used for personal presents.

This year, several changes were made to the funding policies. SGB can no longer fund for the purchase of alcoholic beverages and tobacco, and non-Pitt students must now pay to attend an event funded by the Student Government. Also, organizations cannot be funded for more than one conference a year, though the $2,000 funding limit has been rescinded.

President Kelly also commented on plans to make organizations more self-governing. He stated that groups no longer have to check with SGB on how to use money on programs.

“It’s going to be a tough year,” Kelly said, commenting on the confusing nature of the funding policies, “but we are all prepared to handle it.