Partying on campus

Editor’s Note: This is the first of The Pitt News’ feature called Panther Ponderings, in… Editor’s Note: This is the first of The Pitt News’ feature called Panther Ponderings, in which reporters will present a bi-weekly question to people on Pitt’s campus.

The Pitt News took to the streets of campus in search the typical Panther opinion of Oakland’s partying scene. From disgusted to proud, here’s Pitt’s answer to this week’s Panther Ponderings.

THE PITT NEWS: What is your opinion of the partying scene here in Oakland? Do you frequent it?

“Most of the scene is just being good, old Oakland. I do think the whole system is in excess. It’s as good as anywhere else.”

-Chris Kocuba, non-degree

“I still drink a lot, but in my experience, Oakland partying is a little too dirty for my taste. But it does the trick if you want to get drunk.”

-Kieran Elbert, junior, English literature

“It’s not any more extreme than anywhere else. In fact, it’s less so than some. I like anything but frat parties. You get to meet a lot of people — but not all the time.”

-Stephanie, 20, psychology

“I often go to [Carnegie Mellon University] to party, because it’s the same thing over and over again here. Drunk people screaming is not my scene. I live on Atwood Street, so I hear drunk people at 4 a.m. If I was old enough, I would love to go to the bars.”

-Julie, 19, nursing

“Parties in the Courtyard are pathetic; they’re running all of the time. People get drunk, make somebody cry, then start over the next day. If you’re going to make an ass out of yourself, do it in front of your friends. People get drunk to be somebody they’re not. Where I live, I hear too much noise from guys and girls on weekends, late into the night and morning.”

-Michelle Mesa, senior, finance

“I think it’s there, but not overly necessary. There’s enough other options of things to do in the city.”

-Kristen King, junior, economics

“I don’t drink. I find it stupid. I don’t see how you go drink on Thursday, again on Friday, and, what the hell, I’ll go again Saturday. Naah. Why I don’t drink? All I need to do is get drunk here, and [have] my mother find out, and she’ll be on the next flight to Pittsburgh.”

-Rashaad Hicks, freshman, pre-med

“I think drinking too much is a waste of time. You’re just getting drunk to forget what you did. It makes you do certain things you’re not aware of.”

-Shawn McDonald, freshman, economics