Pitt class can tell you, won’t have to kill you


For many graduating students, a career in the Central Intelligence Agency is not a realistic… For many graduating students, a career in the Central Intelligence Agency is not a realistic possibility. But the students in Pitt’s School of Business projects and marketing class are working to dispel common myths and misconceptions about the CIA.

More than 500 Pitt students visited the Assembly Room in the William Pitt Union yesterday, curious to see what a career in the CIA would be like.

Providing posters and brochures of information, the students also organized games like fish pong, ring toss and mini golf, incorporating CIA facts into true-or-false questions.

Pitt first became affiliated with the CIA through EdVenture Partners, a company that currently works to promote different organizations. EdVenture then contacted Pitt, which was one of only 10 colleges selected for the program of promoting job awareness at the CIA.

Bob Gilbert, a professor within the College of Business, explained that his 20 students were given a $2,500 budget and organized themselves into six departments that cooperatively work to campaign and advertise for the CIA.

Gilbert explained that such hands-on opportunities are good for the students because they complement the other work students engage in.

Yesterday’s assembly was also designed to promote the information session about CIA careers that will take place on Thursday.