Which candidate would you hang out with?


The Pitt News approached students on campus and asked them the following question: Which… The Pitt News approached students on campus and asked them the following question: Which presidential candidate would you want to hang out with and why?

“Kerry, [because] I could have a beer with Kerry.” Shawn McClearn, graduate student

“Bush, because I’d like for him to tell me what he will do.” Areti Tsitsiris, graduate student

“Bush, because I want to talk about how he will finish up Iraq.” Ursula Purwin, graduate student

“Kerry, because I like his policies. Bush hasn’t done anything for me.” Andrew Workman, senior

“Bush, because he strikes me as funny.” Tara Comstock-Green, freshman

“Kerry. [I] just want to talk to him on a personal basis.” Ricky Tyburski, junior

“Kerry, because Bush is under a lot of fire, I’m not trying to get caught by a stray [bullet].” Jason Sessions, senior

“I don’t want to hang out with any of them.” Jill Ciciarelli, junior

“Kerry, because he’s sweet. He snowboards.” Jason Bower, junior

“I’d rather hang around Bush because I’d like to understand his motives.” Darrel Manny, senior

“John Kerry, because I believe in what he stands for.” Candice Aston, freshman

“Linden Laroush; he’d probably be the most entertaining.” Alex Conison, senior

“Kerry, because I’m voting for him, and I’d want to know more so that I know I’m making the right choice.” Tope Ogundele, senior

“Kerry, because I favor him as a candidate, and I want to hear more about his views.” Katie Rife, sophomore

“Bush, but I’d probably yell at him.” Vivian Kong, graduate student