MMMBOP, you got a problem?


I like Hanson.

That’s right, you heard me correctly — I like Hanson. I’ve liked them… I like Hanson.

That’s right, you heard me correctly — I like Hanson. I’ve liked them since I was 14 years old. I was in 8th grade when Hanson took over the music scene with the rambunctious “MMMBop.” I was smitten. While my friends were prank-calling boys that they liked, I was kissing posters of Taylor Hanson and wishing him goodnight before I went to bed.

When I found out that Hanson was touring back in 1997, I begged my parents to drive me down to Bristow, Va., to see the band, because they were not coming anywhere close to my hometown. At the concert, I shrieked, “I love you!” about every three minutes along with the crazy teenage girls. If I had worn a bra at the time, I swear I would have thrown it on stage.

Though I may not be proud of the fact that I was borderline-obsessed — OK, fully obsessed — with Hanson, I am glad that, as Hanson’s music matured, I did as well. But I’m not writing this to persuade you to like Hanson’s music. I’m simply saying that we all have a band we’re scared to admit we like. Everyone has his or her own personal “Hanson.” Don’t pretend that you didn’t have a Vanilla Ice cassette tape, and that you still feel elated when “Ice Ice Baby” comes on the radio. I know you have danced to the “Macarena” and I would put money down that you liked it.

Music touches people in different ways. Even the most hard-core metal fan has a softer side — who says that he or she doesn’t enjoy some Kenny G while getting his or her groove on? So here’s your chance to do it — admit those secret bands to the world. Here I am, 21 years old, proclaiming that I love Hanson. Don’t shut yourself in a room and listen to your tunes in shame. Why not proclaim it from the rooftops? Go ahead, Metallica fan, it’s perfectly fine to shout, “I love Mariah Carey’s music” out to the world. I’m sure it will make you feel much better about yourself.

Which band is it for you? It’s funny how much people will admit to you once you have divulged that you like Hanson. It’s like they try to relate by telling you some shocking band or artist that they like as well.

I’ve heard it all. There have been the guys that raved about their fascination with the powerful vocals of Michael Bolton. You might think I’m lying, but I’m telling the truth. You know when you’re passing by “smooth sounds of the ’80s and ’90s,” your heart leaps with glee when you hear a sappy love song like “When a Man Loves a Woman.”

Then there’s the good Christian girl that loves “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails. She gets off thinking about the way Trent Reznor groans about his carnal desires. She feels the beat just the same way that a hard rocker does and loves it just the same. You might think it’s a myth, but she’s out there.

I’ll never forget the day my punk rock friend and I were in the car together. I was flipping through the stations to find something decent that both of us could agree to listen to. I hit 96.1 KISS FM and “Toxic” by Britney Spears infiltrated the car. I thought to myself, “Sarah, be nice; you can’t put him through that,” so I turned the knob to the next station. “You can turn that back,” he said nonchalantly. “No,” I replied, “I know it’s not your scene.” I continued to inch further and further up the dial when he reached over and put the radio back to KISS. I was shocked. Could he actually enjoy listening to Britney Spears? With that, my hypothesis that everybody has that one shameful band or artist was proved to be true.

Life is too short to worry about what other people think about you. Be proud of your preferences, even if you yourself can admit that your favorite band is a little out of character. Variety is the spice of life. Mix it up a little bit and enjoy a song that you never would have listened to because of the social stigma.

If you asked me what the best days of my life were, the three times I met Hanson are high up on that list. Why would I deny something that makes me so happy just because it is not cool? Be proud of your secret band and enjoy listening to their music with your door open and your guard down.