Kick it with some divas at Kiva Han on Tuesday


In the past, Diva Night has attracted readers, writers, poetry gurus and feminists from… In the past, Diva Night has attracted readers, writers, poetry gurus and feminists from throughout the University of Pittsburgh campus to share works of writing in an open forum. Tuesday night, the Divas of Oakland will convene to share the immense talent that exists in local writers. From women faculty members to undergraduate students, this year’s Diva Night has expanded and will also include a unique male voice.

The Supernova Series, a biweekly undergraduate reading series at the University of Pittsburgh, holds the 4th semi-annual Diva Night, a showcase of writers from Pitt’s faculty. The Supernova Series, founded by senior English writing major Heather Bowlan in 2001, serves as an outlet for undergraduate writers, particularly women, to share their works with the local writing community. The series also allows faculty members to make their works known throughout the university.

With Diva Night in mind, Bowlan wanted to create a unique aspect of the Supernova Series, showcasing the voices and the immense talent that exist in the faculty of Pitt’s English department.

This Tuesday’s reading will include Geeta Kothari, a fiction writer; Julianne McAdoo, also a fiction writer, Jan Beatty, a poet and the unique male voice of Jeff Oaks, a poet and Managing Director for the Pittsburgh Contemporary Writers Series. Each of these writers is highly accomplished and has publications and awards attached to his or her name.

Diva Night has been the most successful event of the Supernova Series, drawing in packed audiences of poetry enthusiasts and feminists. And, this year, Supernova is expanding the definition of Diva.

The Supernova Series’ Diva Night happens on Tues. at 9 p.m. at Kiva Han on Craig St. For more information, call (412) 687-6355.