Rock ‘n’ roll to save your soul

By Sarah Butchin

Drenched in religion and overflowing with faith, the Rock and Roll Worship Circus takes over… Drenched in religion and overflowing with faith, the Rock and Roll Worship Circus takes over your eardrums with an infusion of sound. In their album booklet is a psalm, Bible verse or explanation for the purpose of each song. The amount of praise is overwhelming at first because every song is immersed in Bible references and worship. Though one may not agree with the beliefs of the Rock and Roll Worship Circus, it’s important to respect their powerful lyrics and strong musicianship. Each song is solid, with instruments mirroring what the lyrics sing.

Every song has a different feeling. The Circus goes from sounding reminiscent of the Beatles in “Morning Glory,” to being eerily similar to Pink Floyd when original front man Syd Barrett had the reigns.

“Blessed Tune” is slow and subtle, affirmed and sure. It’s an ode to Jesus and the blessings the Circus believes he bestowed on them. The lyrics are deep, faithful and more like a prayer than a song. Lead singer Gabriel Wilson sings, “Blessed is he who comes to the feet of the king, washed by the blood of the son/Oh, who are we to kneel before you and sing glory, hallelujah.” The song is extremely well arranged.

The polar opposite of “Blessed Tune” is “Gift of Cool.” The song talks about all the different people who pray to Jesus, using lyrics such as “Kids kneeling at the altar with their different fashion flavors/You had squares, preps, skater punks/Goths and techno raver.” The Circus is showing the different people who pray and, at the same time, the desire to have their music appreciated by all of the groups listed. The songs are so fast-paced that Wilson is almost rapping throughout them.

A Beautiful Glow is, overall, a tight album, free of any dissonance that would make it unpleasant to the ears. Though it’s doubtful that the Rock and Roll Worship Circus will gain a lot of mainstream success, it’s a strong and soulful album. Whether you share their beliefs or not, here’s to a wonderful album.