ResLife creates forum for students to discuss issues

By Adam Fleming

‘We’ll give you a topic ‘hellip; Now Discuss.’

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Those words, written in red and… ‘We’ll give you a topic ‘hellip; Now Discuss.’

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Those words, written in red and blue, adorn a new Web site designed to entice Pitt students into a civil debate of current events.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ResLife’s Political and Social Issues Committee created an online forum for a biweekly conversation of scheduled topics. But with two sessions already in the books, students seem slow to embrace the new venue.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘We’re hoping that a press release will get the word out,’ said Kevin McCarthy, a member of the committee.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ McCarthy added that appeals have been made to student political groups to increase participation.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The next opportunity for students to engage in debate is Oct. 21. The topic will be the legality of file sharing, or the exchange of digital media and programs on the Internet.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Recently, the Recording Industry Association of America launched a campaign of hundreds of lawsuits against defendants, who were accused of theft.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ McCarthy is optimistic that the program will eventually catch on, despite a previously lackluster response.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ At the second conversation, which focused on the recently elected governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, McCarthy said there were only two students in the discussion who were not resident assistants or affiliated with the committee.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ McCarthy also said that students have no reason to fear practices of censorship within the discussions.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The Web site features a censorship program for offensive language, but does not block statements on the basis of ideological beliefs.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘We’re trying to make it as free as possible, while keeping it civil,’ McCarthy said. ‘It really depends on the constituency that shows up. If it does get heated, it’s allowed to.’

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ As for future debate topics, McCarthy said the committee will select them on a session-by-session basis, predominantly from current events.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘I think the convenience [of the Web site] is its main selling point,’ McCarthy said, noting that students need not join any group or organization to take part in the debates. ‘It’s just an event. It’s an all-student event.’

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The Web site’s address is