Allocations member resigns, will not be replaced

By Dale Shoemaker / Staff Writer

A member of the Student Government Board Allocations Committee announced her resignation Sunday night, leaving the Board with 11 Allocations Committee members until the end of the term in January.

Allocations Committee member Alexandra Kajari resigned “effective immediately,” according to a Sunday release from the Student Government Board.

“I decided that I was not able to devote my best effort to the Allocations Committee, which deserves full attention due to the high volume of important requests that the Allocations Board receives from the student body and clubs,” Kajari said in an email.

The Board will not fill the position vacated by Kajari, Allocations Committee Chair Nasreen Harun said in the release, “due to the amount of time left in the term.” Harun said she is confident that the Allocations Committee will run just as efficiently despite being down one member.

Kajari said she chose to resign because of her academic schedule and an internship she currently holds. She is also preparing for the LSAT, a law school admissions exam, she said.

“I came to this decision by realizing my academics were my first priority,” Kajari said.

Harun said she wishes Kajari well.

“I only want what is best for [Kajari], so I hope that she is able to take this time to focus on her academics and future pursuits,” Harun said in the release.

SGB President Mike Nites said he does not think Kajari’s vacancy will be a problem.

“[The Allocations Committee] is able to absorb work from one another,” Nites said. “You see a lot of collaboration and a lot of helping out. I think we’ll see that. I don’t see this impacting them at all.”

The Board posted applications for the Allocations Committee Chairperson and Allocations Committee member positions for its next term on Oct. 27 on SGB’s website. The term for the next Board and Allocations Committee will begin in January 2015 and end in April 2016.