Shaking the dust off Metropol


On the brink of releasing its fourth album, Seasons, which hits store shelves Oct. 7, road… On the brink of releasing its fourth album, Seasons, which hits store shelves Oct. 7, road veteran Sevendust is currently headlining a string of club shows. After taking the last several months off to record a new album, the southern metal band should be as energetic and awe-inspiring as ever.

Sevendust has already earned an underground “legendary” status among fans for a touring pace that would leave most bands sore just reading the itinerary. Tonight, members of Sevendust once again find themselves doing what they do best: performing live. Pittsburgh fans should consider themselves lucky; tonight’s show will be the last intimate setting Sevendust will treat fans to – the band catches up with Staind for a nation-wide tour later in the week.

Sevendust is sure to rock the house with a blend of classic jams, such as “Black” and “Waffle,” and some new, unreleased material from its forthcoming LP.

Drummer Morgan Rose is sure to be a crowd pleaser, presenting a rhythmic delivery of ambidextrous blast beats and ear-candy cymbal fills. His stage presence will surely leave even the best local drummers asking themselves, “Is he real?” The answer is yes; the robotic movements, the impeccable timing, the unrelenting screams and spit flying over the cymbals and towards the crowd are all very real.

Vocally, Sevendust covers all of the angles. With lead vocalist Lajon Witherspoon and three other performing vocalists within the instrumental section of the band, these lads will more than fill the room with solid screams and excellent clean vocals.

A band that has more punch to its sound than a lumberjack fight-club, Sevendust will surely turn the floor of Metropol into a frenzy of sweating, screaming, body-checking fans, who will spread the love of music by tossing each other violently in “the pit.”

Sevendust has made Metropol an annual stop over the past few years, and with every performance, it leaves the Pittsburgh scene with a taste of what a hard-working, fan-dedicated, wholesome group of artists should be. Rather than just wasting another $18 at the bar on “Thirsty Thursday,” give your brain cells a taste of a healthy high with music from a band that is sure to uplift.

Sevendust will play an all-ages show at Metropol tonight, Sep. 25, at 8 p.m. Tickets are $8. For tickets call (412) 323-1919.