Rhythm and influences: Pitt Dance Ensemble performs

By Wendy Toth

“Influences …”

Pitt Dance Ensemble

March 28 and 29

Trees Hall Dance Studio… “Influences …”

Pitt Dance Ensemble

March 28 and 29

Trees Hall Dance Studio

Tickets at the door

$6 for the general public, $3 for students

Not only is the Pitt Dance Ensemble unique because student dancers get to do much of the choreography themselves, they’re also entertaining. Full of energy, what my grandma would call spunk, and style, this group of enthusiastic Pitt students has plenty to show off.

They dance hip-hop, jazz, modern and ballet. And this year they will be doing it in a production called “Influences …” tonight and tomorrow, in the Trees Hall Dance Studio. The performance will include the choreography of some of the students as well as that of Michael Walsh of Dance Alloy and Gina Desko, a local choreographer.

“Influences …” is so named because the dancers will take a few moments in between pieces to talk to the audience about what has influenced them and their dancing.

Instructor Susan Gillis Kruman is one major influence for the dancers and the production, and this performance celebrates her 25th year as adviser to the group. Kruman herself has an exciting announcement for the year as well, “We are now going to have a dance minor here at Pitt, through the School of Physical Education,” she declared.

With so much to celebrate, the show is bound to be an energetic performance. Not to mention, it will definitely include popular music, and hip costumes with a lot of attitude. Student choreographer Ashley Ruszkowski pointed out that choreographers get to choose the costumes. The resulting creativity should prove to be worth seeing.

All of this combined with professional dance lighting, should make for a great show. Tickets can be purchased at the door. The price is $6 for the general public and $3 for students.

Editor’s note: Ashley Ruszkowski is a staff writer for The Pitt News.