Pete graduation guests limited


Senior Jason Froehlich is being forced to choose which two of his three siblings he most wants… Senior Jason Froehlich is being forced to choose which two of his three siblings he most wants to attend his graduation.

Froehlich, like many other seniors, feels that four tickets for graduation is “simply not enough.”

“I have five immediate members of my family,” Froehlich said. “So right now there is a great conflict concerning how all of them are going to see their first born son and oldest brother graduate.”

This year’s graduation will be the first held at the Petersen Events Center instead of Mellon Arena. Because of the Pete’s size, this year’s graduating students will be allowed to bring four guests as opposed to last year, where seniors could invite an unlimited number of guests.

According to Pitt Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs Robert Hill, the Mellon Arena held 12,500 people for graduation where the Pete can only hold 10,000 for the ceremony.

“The Mellon Arena was large, but it was also uncomfortable and not as appropriate as having the occasion on campus,” Hill said. “Even the Penguins don’t want to play there anymore.”

The Pete was finished in the spring of 2002, in time for last year’s graduation, but the University chose not to conduct its “most important occasion” there without first testing the building and its ability to hold large amounts of people, Hill said.

Those who graduated in 2002 were disappointed because they were not able to graduate in the Pete. Now, students such as senior Jamie Ross, who are going to graduate there are asking the University either to find a larger venue or figure out a way to fit more people into the Pete.

“I think we should have graduation outside,” Ross said. “They should have it at PNC Park or at Heinz Stadium.”

Much like last year’s seniors, the graduating class of 2003 has no choice but to deal with the inconvenience.

“It’s nice that Pitt is trying to make good use of their facilities,” Froehlich said. “I’d just like to have my whole family at my graduation.”