Parker and Lily’s pop music becomes The Warhol

Parker and Lily

Tonight, 7 p.m.

The Andy Warhol Museum

Free, all ages…

Parker and Lily

Tonight, 7 p.m.

The Andy Warhol Museum

Free, all ages

(412) 237-8300

Parker and Lily, the quiet yet dynamic duo from New York City, will perform their melancholy tunes tonight at the Warhol’s Good Fridays series.

Parker Noon and Lily Wolfe, are formerly of Valentine Six, a rougher sounding New York band. Unlike V6, the two create their minimalist sound with vintage drum machines and analog organs along with a retro slide guitar. Their laidback compositions, which usually have travel or love themes, are accentuated with ghostly, subdued vocals. The duo is occasionally playful, composing catchy tunes that unobtrusively stick in one’s head.

Parker and Lily are touring on the strength of their latest release, Here Comes Winter, a follow up to their 2001 album, Hello Halo. Here Comes Winter employs a huge range of relaxing sounds including xylophonesque keyboard notes, debase church-bell like tones and soft fuzziness. Samples here and there give the album a glamorous far-away feel.

Parker and Lily are not to be missed, as they bring their singular talent to Pittsburgh. They’ll no doubt provide music well-suited to browsing through the Warhol’s quirky collection.