Ozzy’s family no longer with MTV


MTV’s cameras are no longer welcome at “The Osbournes.”

Sharon Osbourne, the reality… MTV’s cameras are no longer welcome at “The Osbournes.”

Sharon Osbourne, the reality family’s matriarch, says the second season of the show, which begins Nov. 26, will be the last.

“We can’t do it anymore,” Osbourne told Barbara Walters in an interview airing Wednesday on ABC’s “20/20.” “It’s not even a year. It’s probably another 10 [shows]. Another 10 shows and I’m out.”

But Osbourne backed off a bit Monday and issued a statement saying she had “every intention of fulfilling my commitment to MTV for a full 20 episodes.”

Sharon Osbourne was the mastermind of the wildly popular MTV series, which provided a glimpse into the bizarrely comical home life of her aging rock star husband, Ozzy, and their two children, Kelly and Jack. She also bargained to get a high seven-figure deal for a second season.

But now she regrets ever letting MTV’s crews into her home.

“I think if we were to do it over again, we wouldn’t have done the show,” Osbourne said in the interview, the family’s first since she announced this summer that she has colon cancer.

“It’s changed us all so much,” she said, noting that her teen-age children now have business managers and agents.

Osbourne said the family’s commitment to a second season has made it harder to deal with her illness. The cameras have continued to roll, even as she struggles with the effects of chemotherapy.

Her children have been brave and supportive, she said. But Ozzy has been “frightened, terrified” and driven to drink.

“Ozzy’s been hitting the bottle again,” she said. “And we agreed to do the show and so the cameras are here all the time. So it’s a little bit invasive right now and we have no privacy. You know when you’re sick you want to be on your own? And I can’t throw up on my own and Ozzy can’t get drunk on his own.”

Aimee Osbourne, the oldest daughter, who refused to participate in the MTV show, told Walters that her father would not be able to go on if Sharon does not recover.

“I don’t think he would last more than a year without her,” she said. “No doubt in my mind.”

Meanwhile, ABC has tapped the Osbourne family to serve as hosts of the January edition of the “American Music Awards.”