It was the best of ballots


We did it prize-patrol style.

Except that we were giving away a free spring break trip, not $10 million.

Except that we had to talk our way into Brackenridge Hall, rather than just knock on the winner’s door in Suburbia, USA.

Except that I am definitely no Ed McMahon.

“Uh … we’re from The Pitt News, and you won this free spring break trip to Panama City Beach, Fla., for this contest you signed up for back in September.”

I am so remarkably smooth.

But it was cool nonetheless. I think it scared the hell out of Tony Kambic’s roommate when three men – one holding a digital camera pointed at his face – knocked on his door and asked for Tony. Note to next year’s editor in chief: Bring balloons or something happy next year so recipient isn’t afraid of you.

I think, though, that all was forgiven when we succeeded in convincing Tony he had won a spring break trip. He wasn’t necessarily jumping up and down (prize-patrol style), but he did seem happy.

So that was the enjoyable part of this year’s Best of 2002 issue. After all, how many times will I ever get to give someone a free vacation?

Then there was the other part. Multiply several hundred ballots by many dozen categories, and you’ll determine that about 50,000 little tick marks had to be made in order to tally this year’s winners. Add in the abundance of asinine answers – “Best place to get film developed: Teeth” – that nonetheless had to be counted, and you’ve got yourself one heck of a task.

But we did it. And we hope you enjoy it. If you’re somewhat new to campus, you can figure out the best places to eat, drink and be merry, among other things.

Or, if you’re an upperclassman, find out what you’ve been missing all these years.

And everyone can enjoy the “Worst of the Best Of” answers that just didn’t make the cut. For me, it made vote tallying considerably more bearable to know that someone actually voted for “the steel industry” as the “Best Pitt Tradition.”

So I offer my many thanks to those who voted – even if it did suck to count all of the ballots, receiving so many votes made the whole issue that much more relevant.

And I offer my many congrats to Tony Kambic – even if I’m no Ed McMahon, giving away a trip to Florida made the whole crazy ordeal that much more rewarding.