Halfway between the gutter and the stars


Between The Senses


Virgin Records

The American…

Between The Senses


Virgin Records

The American music scene has had its fair share of invasions from foreign lands, especially from England. It started with the Beatles and continued and still lives with the Rolling Stones. A new act making their way into the American music scene, with a mix of Northwestern England/West Coast American style to their music, is Haven, a new band from Manchester.

Haven just wrapped up their first North American tour, gathering a strong following in each city they played, with the help of their first full-length album Between The Senses, released in late September.

The melancholy songs led by the incredible voice of frontman Gary Briggs, with lyrics that come from the heart about what happens in life, are backed by the hard-driving rock sound of guitarist Nat Wason, and the rhythm section of Iwan Gronow on bass and Jack Mitchell on drums.

Stirring songs about love, “Beautiful Thing” and “Where Is The Love,” as well as harder rock songs like the opening track “Let It Live” show off the versatility of Haven and provide for an interesting mix of a debut album that will keep you listening.

Haven is set to take the music scene on with a full head of steam and now, after finishing their tour, they head back to their home to tour England, and will do another American tour in the new year.