I wanna rock


The Agenda

With Pikadori and The Channel

Tonight, 8 p.m.

Public Health Building,… The Agenda

With Pikadori and The Channel

Tonight, 8 p.m.

Public Health Building, Auditorium, $5

Tonight, the WPTS Get the Hell Out of Your Dorm Room Concert Series resumes with a stellar lineup and free food.

Local loud three-piece The Channel will kick off the evening with a unique sound that combines driving acoustic and electric guitars with vocal harmonies. Last winter, they recorded an 11-track LP with engineer/producer/ musician Chad Clark, formerly of Smart Went Crazy and now of Beauty Pill.

Pikadori, notorious for inadvertently causing power outages at the Mr. Roboto Project and at various other venues, will make an appearance tonight after a brief tour of the East Coast and a recent slew of local shows. They released an album on Pittsburgh label Hope records last May and will please with their energetic and sincere brand of rock.

Kindercore “artists” The Agenda will headline the show with an obnoxiousness not seen in years. Calling this band “artists” is something of a stretch considering that the liner notes within their debut album Start the Panic proclaim “No art was used in the making of this album!” and “This is manipulation at its finest! It is style not substance you crave!”

The Agenda resemble a younger, sexier and faster AC/DC, with oversimplified, shouted lyrics and constant, heavy riffs. Calling themselves “mod-core,” the members of the Agenda may not be able to keep up their gimmick for very long, but for now salute youthful rowdiness and energy through their celebratory music.

They aren’t participating in the recent rock ‘n’ roll revival of the Strokes/Vines/Hives, especially with song titles like “Crash! Crash!” and “Shake! Shake! Scream!,” but rather try to desperately capture rock’s most appealing facet: lust.

Intense indie rock, free food and a neon yellow flier with Richard Simmons pop art – what more does it take to get kids to get the hell out of their dorms?