

Admit it – everybody loves good gossip. And while gossiping about our friends provides… Admit it – everybody loves good gossip. And while gossiping about our friends provides daily entertainment, sometimes we long for the thrill of the anonymous – like the girl at CoGo’s who, while ringing up my emergency milk and Doritos fix, casually says to a coworker, “I mean, I don’t know why he thought he should drink a case while he was waiting for his daughter to get home.”

That tantalizing taste of someone else’s most ridiculous moments might leave you thirsting for more. It always does for me. That’s why I’ve recently entered the world of Internet dorkdom by going to the same Web site every day to read about the worst details of other people’s lives. My fetish for anonymous trashiness has been fulfilled by Dailyconfession.com.

The Web site’s premise is simple and ingenious – post your guilty secrets on the Web, no names or personal information needed, for the all the world to read. (And judge, thanks to the handy feedback feature.) There are literally thousands of confessions to read and scorn accordingly, sorted into categories by the Ten Commandments. Look at the many, many people who have cheated, lied, stolen and committed basically every evil act on the planet. You know you’re hooked when you start to notice how many of them have sinned in the exact same way. I mean, seriously, if I read one more story where a girl sleeps with her sister’s husband on their wedding night, I’m quitting cold turkey.

Just kidding, I love that stuff.

The archives are a great place to kill a few hours when you don’t want to write a paper. But as a gossip quick-fix – for those of us who have to read furtively at work or in the computer lab between classes – the site’s Webmaster picks out the day’s “Featured Confessions” and even the coveted position of “Pick of the Day,” a confession so outrageous that your jaw will drop as you laugh hysterically for at least five minutes.

For instance: On a recent “Pick of the Day,” a man was propositioned by his future mother-in-law. She gave him two options – meet her in the bedroom, or walk out the door. When he walked out, he found his fiance’s father standing next to his car, congratulating him for passing their test. What no one will know, except for everyone who reads Dailyconfession.com, is that he was walking to the car to get a condom. Now that is some juicy gossip.

I may speak of it lightly, but in truth, Dailyconfession.com has enriched my life in so many ways. I now have an endless supply of revenge scenarios on my hands, if I should need them, as well as some perspective on some of my own less-than-stellar moments. And now I feel a little less scorn for Internet dorks.

OK, I confess – not really.