

Strung Out, Poison the Well, Strike Against, Rufio

Wednesday, June 12,…

Strung Out, Poison the Well, Strike Against, Rufio

Wednesday, June 12, doors at 6 p.m.

Club Laga, $12 in advance/ $12 day of show

(412) 682-2050

One of the hottest bands in the hard-core scene returns to Pittsburgh for the third time this year. Yes kids, Poison the Well is coming back with some very nice acts (as usual), including Strung Out, Strike Against and Rufio.

Strung Out happens to be one of the most well known punk bands today, and with no surprise should draw a huge crowd. Poison the Well is getting bigger and bigger each day, with their version of metal core pleasuring the ears of the masses. With rumors of major labels knocking at their door, it