Pitt’s talent should equal better record


Can somebody please tell me why the Pitt football team is not winning?

I am in my fourth… Can somebody please tell me why the Pitt football team is not winning?

I am in my fourth year here at the concrete learning center, and I have never seen a team with so much talent perform so ineffectively.

Remember the beginning of the season, when everyone, including myself, was hyped about the upcoming season? It was only about a month ago.

The team had its entire defense returning, a defense that was dominant last season, a seasoned quarterback returning and a Heisman candidate in Antonio Bryant.

What a difference six weeks makes.

Walt Harris is now being seriously questioned and doubted for the first time in his tenure here. Bryan Knight has one sack in four games. The defense made South Florida and Notre Dame look like offensive powerhouses, once again there is somewhat of a quarterback controversy and it would be hard to find a game where the team executed for a solid half of football.

There is no doubt that this team might have had too high expectations from outsiders and from within, but the fact remains that there is a lot of talent on this team.

Granted, the running backs are young and the offensive line is still getting used to playing together, but there is no reason for this team to be 1-3.

The fault has to lie with somebody.

There is a difference between playing the game and knowing how to win. Right now it looks as if the team is going through the motions.

Whose job is it to get the players to perform and execute? The obvious answer is the coaching staff, but I blame the seniors. There doesn