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The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

From left, Patrick Gallagher, chancellor, Robin Kear, Senate Council president and Kris Kanthak, Senate Council vice president at a meeting in 2700 Posvar hall on Thursday.

Senate Council discusses blanket incident, campus safety

By Allison Radziwon, Staff Writer November 12, 2021
Pitt’s Senate Council held its monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon both in person at Posvar Hall and on Zoom. The council spent much of the meeting discussing a recent blanket incident near campus and safety concerns.
Pitt’s Senate Council discussed enrollment numbers, the budget cycle and possible student staff and faculty vaccine requirements at last Wednesday’s meeting. In addition, the Council also voted to create an ad-hoc committee for dependent care.

Senate Council discusses potential COVID-19 vaccine requirement for spring semester

By Millicent Watt, Assistant News Editor October 18, 2021
Chancellor Patrick Gallagher said Pitt is discussing ways to enforce COVID-19 vaccination — for as early as the spring semester — such as tying vaccination status to student enrollment or faculty employment.
Chancellor Patrick Gallagher said at Wednesday’s Senate Council meeting that unvaccinated students will be required to take weekly COVID tests, and a positive test will result in the inability to access campus buildings.

‘We have to be agile’’: Senate Council discusses COVID-19 guidelines, faculty union vote

By Millicent Watt, Assistant News Editor September 10, 2021
Chancellor Patrick Gallagher said Thursday that Pitt’s new COVID-19 testing program for the academic year is estimated to cost between $20 and $50 million in order to test unvaccinated students weekly, starting on Monday.
Senate Council held its monthly meeting last Thursday afternoon via Zoom, which was the final meeting of the 2020-21 academic year.

Senate Council passes resolution urging vaccine requirement for fall

By Allison Radziwon, Staff Writer May 26, 2021
As universities across the nation make decisions on a possible COVID-19 vaccine requirement, Chancellor Patrick Gallagher said COVID-19 vaccination rates of Pitt students and faculty will affect the University’s planning for the fall semester.
Melissa McGivney, the associate dean for community partnerships at the School of Pharmacy, discussed the University’s vaccination efforts at Thursday afternoon’s Senate Council meeting hosted via Zoom. Other officials addressed Pitt’s COVID-19 response and graduation at the meeting.

‘We did well’: Pitt officials discuss COVID-19 response, vaccination efforts

By Rebecca Johnson, News Editor April 23, 2021
All students should get the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine even if they can’t get the second dose at the same location, according to Pitt officials. The Senate Council discussed Pitt’s vaccination efforts, COVID-19 response and graduation on Thursday.
Chancellor Patrick Gallagher said Thursday that it’s likely that next semester’s schedule will be compressed similarly to the fall so there aren’t vacations where people leave and come back to campus.

Gallagher: ‘Anticipate’ Flex@Pitt, compressed schedule next semester

By Rebecca Johnson, News Editor September 18, 2020
Chancellor Patrick Gallagher said Thursday that he expects the Flex@Pitt model to continue into the spring semester due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. He also said it’s likely that next semester’s schedule will be compressed similar to the fall so there aren’t vacations where people leave and come back to campus.
The COVID-19 pandemic causes uncertainty about returning for the fall semester for many of Pitt’s more than 3,100 international students.

‘This feeling of helplessness’: International students concerned about fall semester amid pandemic

By Rebecca Johnson, Senior Staff Writer May 19, 2020
Travel restrictions and delays in processing visas has left many of Pitt’s 3,100 international students questioning whether they will be able to start the fall semester on campus.
University Senate Council discussed the Association of American Universities report detailing sexual assault and misconduct at Pitt, provided updates on campus construction projects and discussed fossil fuel divestment at a Wednesday afternoon meeting.

Senate Council discusses sexual assault report, fossil fuel divestment

By Rebecca Johnson, Staff Writer October 17, 2019
Following the Tuesday release of a report detailing sexual assault and misconduct at Pitt, Chancellor Patrick Gallagher had strong words for Pitt’s campus culture.
Chancellor Patrick Gallagher (left), University Senate Council president Frank Wilson and liaison librarian Robin Kear (right) attend the monthly University Senate Council meeting in Posvar Hall Wednesday. (Photo by  Chiara Rigaud | Staff Photographer)

Senate Council discusses deans, Titusville

By Hannah Schneider, Staff Writer March 22, 2018

Chancellor Patrick Gallagher opened up his monthly report at Wednesday’s University Senate Council meeting by recognizing the two newly appointed deans of the engineering and law schools — whose hirings...

Board member Alex Spenceley listens to chair reports during SGB’s public meeting Tuesday night. (Photo by Thomas Yang | Visual Editor)

Provost to consider SGB textbook plan

By Madeline Gavatorta | Staff Writer January 17, 2018

After passing a resolution to help lower textbook costs, Student Government Board President Max Kneis announced Tuesday that Pitt is forming a committee to discuss implementing the ideas. SGB introduced...

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