Letter to the Editor: 01/14/13

By Letter to the Editor

To The Editor:

My son entered Pitt three years ago, looking forward to an exemplary education and the excitement of Division I sports. Education is advancing well; his enjoyment of Division I sports is waning.

Are the football and basketball coaches instructing their players on the philosophy of closing? Pitt’s teams are terrific and play at a high level during the “game” but are unable to close. Review the past three years and note that too many games were lost in the last 5-to-10 minutes.

Football and basketball are only a game until the last minutes. They then become a battle to be won by the team who knows how to close.

Hire a sports adviser or psychologist to concentrate on how to close and be a winner. Maybe it’s a case of fear of winning?

Elliot Russoff

New York City