Getting to know SGB members

By Aaron Stier-Cohen

The Student Government Board are some of the most visible leaders on campus and hold the purse…The Student Government Board are some of the most visible leaders on campus and hold the purse strings to the seven figure sums of money allocated to students. And while they might be busy student leaders, The Pitt News wanted to start the year by looking at the personalities behind the positions.

James Landreneau

Position: President

Year: Senior

Major: Chemical Engineering

Originally from Wexford, Pennsylvania Landreneau was introduced to student government as a sophomore interning for past Board member David Gau. But it was this past year that he really got involved.

“I was asked by former SGB President Molly Stieber to run with her slate as a Board member,” Landreneau said in an email. “I was extremely excited to serve my fellow students.”

Fun fact:

Landreneau’s parents had a thing for the letter J. Each of his siblings’ names begins with the letter, and with seven of them, his family tree begins to look like a Dr. Seuss book.

“My siblings, in order, are: Jerome, John, Joshua, Jordan, Jude and Jackson.” Landreneau said. “[It] can get pretty confusing for my parents!”

Megan Carlene McGrath

Position: President Pro Tempore

Year: Senior

Major: Economics, minor in political science

McGrath started her career in Pitt politics by joining an SGB committee when she was a sophomore.

“I kept thinking of projects I would like to work on if I was on board,” McGrath said. “I wanted the chance to actually work on those things, so I decided to run.”

Drink of choice:

“Blue Moons, Wednesdays at Hemingway’s.”

Olivia Armstrong

Position: Board Member

Year: Senior

Major: Health and Physical Activity

Armstrong said she reluctantly ran for SGB after originally shying away from the added work and responsibility that the position would bring.

“I tend to say yes to everything and I was trying to not spread myself too thin,” Armstrong said. “I usually prioritize extra curricular activities over my academic work, which is a terrible habit.”

Weirdest food ever tried: 

“The weirdest thing I’ve ever eaten is a tie between alligator and escargot,” Armstrong said.

During one of her yearly trips to Sanibel Island, Florida she ordered fried alligator at a local restaurant.

“It was pretty much just chewy chicken.”

Alex Murdoch

Position: Business Manager

Year: Senior

Major: Accounting

Murdoch didn’t set out to get involved in SGB, but when he finally decided to run he didn’t tell Megan McGrath, his friend since 4th grade.

“She had been very open about running and I decided to keep quiet for strategic reasons,” Murdoch said.

Secret study spot:

At the end of the walkway between Towers and Posvar there is an elevator. On the fourth floor of that elevator there is a table with five of six chairs.

“No one is ever there and there are plenty of outlets,” Murdoch said.

Julie Hallinan

Position: Board Member

Year: Senior

Major: Economics, Leadership, Public and Professional Writing and Political Science

After Hallinan saw the difference she could make while serving as vice president of her high school senior class, she arrived at Pitt with student government aspirations. But like many new students she spent her freshman year getting her bearings.

Hallinan got her start in student government as a sophomore. She served on the environmental committee after applying to two chair positions and being turned down for both.  As a junior Hallinan decided to run for SGB.

Cartoon and cereal of choice:

Hallinan said she used to love Lucky Charms, Recess and Pepper Ann but to this day still loves Spongebob Squarepants.

“It will be on mute while I’m doing my homework,” Halinan said.

Natalie Rothenberger

Position: Board Member

Year: Senior

Major: Politics-Philosophy and Theatre Arts

As a freshman activities Rothenberger and her roommate picked up flyers about SGB and decided to go to public meeting to check it out. At that meeting Rothenberger met past board member Molly Stieber

“She really helped introduce me to how SGB works and all that it does for campus,” Rothenberger said “I became instantly interested and was fortunate to be on Allocations committee and from there my passion to continue staying involved grew.”


Rothenberger was active in the music department at her high school and was a member of show choir, performed in musicals, and competed in choir competitions. The first club she joined on campus was the Women’s Choral Ensemble.

Gordon Louderback

Position: Board Member

Year: Senior

Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering

Louderback started getting involved with SGB during his freshman year, through his involvements with the Pitt Association for Leadership and Success.

“We worked on different campus projects which naturally coincided with SGB’s efforts,” he said. “I worked closely with James Landreneau while we were both in PALS”

Best memory with Pitt sports:

“Definitely the triple overtime basketball win against WVU my freshman year at the

Pete! There has been a lot of great experiences but that stands out.”

Zoe Samudzi

Position: Board Members

Year: Junior

Major: African Studies, Global Studies and Political Science

Zoe wasn’t involved in student government in high school and she didn’t know much about SGB during her freshman year. But during her sophomore year, James Landreneau approached her about running with him and his slate.

“I’ve learned a lot about negotiating and compromising with people whose interests and personalities differ from mine,” she said. “That’ll undoubtedly be useful in the future.”

Weirdest thing ever eaten:

Mopane worms

“It’s not weird, but it’s definitely uncommon in America. My family is Zimbabwean, and in some parts of southern Africa, people eat mopane worms. They’re a great source of protein, but definitely not my favorite food.”