Letter to the Editor 1/24

By Nikola Drobac

To the Editor,

In reference to “U.S. must get involved in Syrian struggle,” 17 January,… To the Editor,

In reference to “U.S. must get involved in Syrian struggle,” 17 January, 2012, Mark Kozlowski wrote, “On Syria the administration has not said much, and very few are advocating broader U.S. intervention. They should be.” Kozlowski also wrote, “The U.S. should seriously consider imposing a no-fly zone.”

Let me remind Kozlowski that the Republicans are trying to cut the size of government. The Republican presidential candidates are all saying the same thing: The U.S. does not have a revenue problem, the U.S. has a spending problem. Republican House Speaker John Boehner has openly admitted that the U.S. is broke and has no money to spend. The Tea Party does not want to increase government spending, its main goal is to cut spending and reduce the national debt.

If the U.S. gets involved in the Syrian struggle by imposing a no-fly zone, that military action would increase U.S. government military spending. If involvement were to include ground troops (i.e., Bush and Iraq), that would increase the national debt and the annual federal budget deficit by a greater margin.

In the future, I wish Kozlowski would keep his tax-increasing, budget-busting, debt-increasing opinions to himself.

Nikola Drobac

Class of ’77