Infinite Playlist | Valentine’s Day Tracks

By Ariana Siclari, For The Pitt News

Like pineapple on pizza or Nickleback, you either love or hate Valentine’s Day. Polar opposite emotions for a holiday. You have your two main options on Valentine’s Day — lovey-dovey couples infatuated with each other, or being alone with the desire to have someone to love. For either mood, enjoy the playlists curated by yours truly.

Valentine’s Simp

The excitement that comes with pursuing a new flame or being in a relationship can’t compare to any other feeling — the rush of dopamine that love or lust about someone ignites inside you. Time goes faster when that specific person is on your mind all day, thinking about being together, planning a future together or reminiscing about past memories. “Valentine’s Simp” is a collaboration of artists — Ariana Grande, H.E.R., Dan + Shay and J. Cole — to set the mood as you and your boo enter the “Tunnel of Love.”

My favorite part of a new relationship would probably have to be the first kiss. The tension between the two of you has been building for however long, and that intimate moment is an explosion of euphoria.

Last year was my first year having a valentine — besides my parents. The familial love is great, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I want someone to pursue me, love me or worship me. Actually celebrating Valentine’s Day for how it was created was really special. Putting effort into gifts, food and plans to show someone your love and appreciation for them feels so special.

Funny thing is, I asked someone this year to be my valentine, but they literally ignored my question and sent me a Snapchat streaks picture. Like, great, I got my answer. I may have slid up on his story and said, “Hey shawty, wanna be my valentine?” If you’re also hurting this V-Day, the next playlist might do it for you.

I Was Ghosted by Cupid

This playlist encompasses a mix of music across all genres against everything Valentine’s Day represents. From Blink-182 to Drake and Carrie Underwood to Nicki Minaj, there are three recurring themes embedded in the music — lustful heartbreak, better-off-without-you and screw this holiday.

I cannot begin to tell you all the times something’s gone wrong — being ghosted, watching the talking stage fail, breaking up with someone or being heartbroken about someone who didn’t even like me. Sure, my friends know me as mildly boy-crazy, constantly searching for male validation to solve all my problems, but that does not always mean I love the emotion of love. Love is overrated, sometimes.

During the beginning of the pandemic, I was in a relationship with a boy I met in an unorthodox way. I ended it between us, and I was left broken for a while with emotions I didn’t know how to process. Days would go by when I would miss him, when I would hate him, when I didn’t need a man or when I felt robbed and empty.

I lay in my bed and stared aimlessly at the wall, absorbing music through my headphones, wondering what could have been. Tears slipped down my face onto my blanket, or I angrily screamed lyrics, wishing COVID-19 didn’t cancel concerts. This playlist is free therapy on the five stages of grief and the wave of emotions that come with love. Cupid will catch hands for skipping over me this Valentine’s Day.

Yes, I will be alone on Valentine’s Day, like the pandemic intended, but that will not stop me from showering my friends with love, harassing couples for being in love and buying half-off chocolate and candy from East Liberty Target next Monday. Single shouldn’t mean sad on Valentine’s Day. Make sure to give yourself some love by taking a night off for your version of self-care. Self-care does include sobbing to romance movies. Please stay safe celebrating, wear your masks and condoms.

Ariana Siclari writes about her emotions through her Spotify playlists. Write to her at