Sexual assault allegations on campus

By Staff Report

A woman who reported that she had been sexually assaulted in a Pitt fraternity over the weekend… A woman who reported that she had been sexually assaulted in a Pitt fraternity over the weekend declined to press charges, although Pitt police are still investigating.

Charges have not been filed by any parties relating to the incident, which occurred at the Sigma Chi fraternity house just before 1 a.m. Saturday. Police have stated that they are still investigating, although it is unclear whether criminal charges will be filed or what action the University Judicial Board might take.

Pitt police chief Tim Delaney said in an e-mail that the victim was treated in the emergency room and released.

Delaney said that Pitt police interviewed the accused and he gave a statement.

Pitt spokesman John Fedele said in an e-mail that the accused was a Pitt student, but did not state whether he was a member of the Greek community at Pitt. The victim was not a Pitt student.

Fedele said that the victim “declines to prosecute” and that police are continuing the investigation.

In an interview Monday evening, Sigma Chi President Pat Naples said his fraternity is “taking the allegations very seriously.”

“We are taking every possible action to work cooperatively with the local authorities,” Naples said. “We’ve done everything to see that this matter is resolved quickly and judiciously.”

Naples declined to discuss what was occurring at the fraternity at the time of the incident.

The Pitt News does not release the names of sexual assault or rape victims.