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Opinion | Do not weigh Reddit law school forums too heavily this upcoming application cycle
Opinion | Do not weigh Reddit law school forums too heavily this upcoming application cycle
By Livia LaMarca, Assistant Opinions Editor • July 18, 2024

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Opinion | Do not weigh Reddit law school forums too heavily this upcoming application cycle
Opinion | Do not weigh Reddit law school forums too heavily this upcoming application cycle
By Livia LaMarca, Assistant Opinions Editor • July 18, 2024

Campus Life | My last semester: What I am looking forward to

Campus Life is a biweekly blog about the everyday things happening around Pitt’s campus.
TPN File Illustration

I am a senior at Pitt, and as this is my last semester of undergrad, there are tons of things that my friends and I want to do before we graduate. Throughout my years at Pitt, I can say that I have explored campus and Pittsburgh in general pretty well, but there is always more to do and more to see.

The first thing my friends and I want to do during our last few months of college is to go to a basketball game. Surprisingly, I have never been to a Pitt basketball game before and have been wanting to for a long time. I have been to multiple football games, but never anything else. It would be exciting not only to watch a basketball game, but also to feel the energy from the student section and the court firsthand. Plus, it is a great way to make new memories with friends.

Since my first year at Pitt, I have been able to go out and enjoy a lot of restaurants that Pittsburgh has to offer, but there are still a few more on my bucket list. My friends and I have always gone out to fancier dinners for our birthdays, but never for fun, which is something we want to change this semester. I think going out to dinners with friends is a great way to catch up and have a good time. A few restaurants that I have yet to try are Pusadee’s Garden, Duo’s Taquería and Lilith. Trying new restaurants is a tradition with my friends and me, and going to these places would be nice to look forward to. Obviously, I need to eat at my favorite on-campus restaurants one last time, so that is also another thing left on my restaurant bucket list.

As seniors, we have our last spring break coming up very soon. My friends and I went on a trip last year and had a blast. So we decided that we would do something fun again this year. We have planned the trip for a few weeks now, and even though the process is stressful, hanging out and organizing it is a lot of fun for us. We always go through our camera roll and reminisce about last year, hoping that this year will be even better. This upcoming spring break feels especially meaningful because it will celebrate the end of an era, making the planning process much more precious. We are also looking forward to making even more memories that we will cherish forever after we graduate. 

The main thing I am looking forward to this semester is spending and appreciating time with my friends. There will never be a time when we are living this close to each other again. We try our best to spend as much time as we can together, whether it is going out for dinner, having movie nights or even just studying together. These moments are priceless. They help grow our friendship and curate memories that we will have with us forever. This is also a time to recognize everything my friends have done for me, because everyday interactions are just as important as the big events and milestones.

If you are a senior, I hope that you take the time to spend quality time with your friends and make sure you do everything you want to do before you graduate. This is the time to make new memories and experience everything you want to. Don’t forget to step out of your comfort zone and try new things, whether it is going to a new place on campus or joining a new club, even if it is just for a few months.

Shriya writes primarily about her everyday experiences on Pitt’s campus. Talk to them at [email protected].

About the Contributor
Shriya Yadamreddi, Senior Staff Writer