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Opinion | Do not weigh Reddit law school forums too heavily this upcoming application cycle
Opinion | Do not weigh Reddit law school forums too heavily this upcoming application cycle
By Livia LaMarca, Assistant Opinions Editor • July 18, 2024

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Opinion | Do not weigh Reddit law school forums too heavily this upcoming application cycle
Opinion | Do not weigh Reddit law school forums too heavily this upcoming application cycle
By Livia LaMarca, Assistant Opinions Editor • July 18, 2024

SGB discusses upcoming elections, events 

Alex Jurkuta | Staff Photographer
A member of the Pakistani Student Association speaks about the organization’s allocation request during the public meeting on Tuesday in Nordy’s Place.

Student Government Board President Ryan Young opened the meeting on Feb. 20 by introducing the change in the allocation request deadline to Sunday at midnight. This aims to accommodate an increase in student funding requests. 

“This change allows the committee more time to review that request during the week and meet with organizations to correct basic issues and address questions before our hearing,” Young said. 

Allocations chair Maddie McCann-Colvard said the committee received about 18 requests last week. 

“We gave away about 50k last week, counting what we just approved, so congratulations to all the clubs,” McCann-Colvard said. 

Sarah Siddiqui, vice president of operations, said she met with the standing committees — allocations, elections and judicial — last week. 

“It was a great opportunity to hear more about their initiatives and to see what way we can all support each other,” Siddiqui said. 

Judicial Chair Jaydep Halder said he will continue to review new governing codes and constitutional documents in the next couple of weeks. 

“My committee members are beginning to pursue individual initiatives that they will work out throughout the spring, so I’m excited to see what they accomplish,” Halder said. 

Following Halder’s report, Elections Chair Abby Lowe reminded students of the upcoming election. 

“It’s targeted campaigning for the election, so you might be handed some things by candidates,” Lowe said. 

Siddiqui said she is working to increase communication and outreach between students and SGB. 

“This past Sunday, I met with FFPC, which is Fossil Free Pitt Coalition,” Siddiqui said. “We do this with a lot of student organizations to hear their concerns and feedback, as well as share some opportunities for student services that could be relevant.” 

Siddiqui also said she and other board members are in the process of working with business, hospitality and ancillary services to launch a Pitt ID app. 

The board is also working with the service to address off-campus dining dollars and Panther Funds not working at certain retail locations. 

“We brought that to their attention [business, hospitality and auxiliary services] with a list of places where students specifically had concerns,” Siddiqui said. “We got a letter back from business, hospitality and auxiliary services, who visited all these locations, checked for issues and are working to resolve all of the issues that they saw.” 

Board Member Olivia Rosati said she has a meeting scheduled with the secretary of the Board of Trustees to talk about how to better utilize and incorporate student voices in those meetings. 

“A lot of schools in the ACC have student trustees, many of which can vote. I think that would be really impactful to the student body,” Rosati said. 

Rosati also said she attended the Pitt Workers United meeting, which occurs every Thursday at 7 p.m. 

“We talked about working with HR on improving their outreach to student workers as well as improving their communication about labor rights and what rights that student workers do have on campus,” Rosati said. “If you’re a disgruntled worker, union supporter, or just passionate about labor rights, you should definitely show up.” 

Rosati concluded by reminding students to take the Higher Education Sexual Misconduct and Awareness Survey. 

Following Rosati’s report, Board Member Ashley White said she is in the early stages of planning a multicultural week in April. 

“I am hoping to partner with lots of different student organizations to put on different events throughout the week,” White said. 

White also said the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee is hosting a Black History Month Jeopardy game next Thursday, Feb. 29, at 6 p.m. 

While the DEI committee is preparing its event, Board Member Brayden Issermoyer said he is working on the Majors and Minors Fair happening this Thursday with Grace Bohl, the academics affairs committee chair. 

“We’ll have lots of raffles and there will probably be candy,” Bohl said. 

On Thursday, the tenant town hall is also occurring at 4 p.m. in the William Pitt Union Ballroom, assisted by Community and Governmental Relations Chair Raafay Khan. 

“We’re going to have panelists such as members of open-ended public corporations, legal services, as well as SGB’s own Renters First Task Force,” Khan said. “It will be helpful for both first-time renters in Oakland and for those who have been living here already. We’re going to be focused more on how to have the next living experience in Oakland.”

Khan noted an upcoming Women in Politics panel on Monday, March 4. 

“We’ll hopefully have three panelists and it should be a great time,” Khan said. 


Club powerlifting requested funds to attend a national competition. The board approved the request to the competitive club sports cap of $5,886.13.

The Songburghs, an a cappella group, requested $3,300 to record part of their competition set. The board approved this request in full. 

The Outdoors Club requested $2,480 to train five of their officers in first aid. The board approved this request in full. 

The Pakistani Student Association requested funding for a cultural event. The board amended and approved this request at $7,160. 

About the Contributor
Emma Hannan, Staff Writer