Roads closed for G-20

By Staff Report

From 9 a.m. to midnight tonight, the following streets will be closed to vehicle and

pedestrian traffic:

Boulevard of the Allies/Panther Hollow Road from Parkview

Avenue to Greenfield Road

West Circuit Road from East Circuit Road and Serpentine

Drive to Schenley Drive

Schenley Drive from Darlington Road to Frank Curto Drive

Frank Curto Drive from Schenley Drive to Schenley Drive Extension

Frew Street from Schenley Drive to Tech Street

Tech Street from Frew Street to Margaret Morrison Street

Overlook Drive from the Boulevard of the Allies to Greenfield Road

Panther Hollow Road from Schenley Drive to Boulevard of the Allies

Additional information on the secure restricted zone near the David L.

Lawrence Convention Center, airspace security, water security, as well

as the City of Pittsburgh’s transportation plan is available online at