Letter to the Editor 3/20/09 No.3

By Pitt News Staff

To the Editor, ‘ ‘ ‘ Regarding yesterdays article ‘Pitt van policy an issue for students,’ I… To the Editor, ‘ ‘ ‘ Regarding yesterdays article ‘Pitt van policy an issue for students,’ I was shocked by Dean Kathy Humphrey’s hypocrisy. She states that she will help the student groups adversely affected by the new rules but then continues to say the policy will not be changed. The only way to truly help the groups affected ‘mdash; many of which are important to the community, such as Jumpstart ‘mdash; is to compromise and change some of the more ridiculous stipulations. ‘ ‘ ‘ The age aspect of the policy makes no sense. In a group of involved undergrads, it is rare to find anyone older than the age of 22, let alone 25. The chaperone rule is beyond patronizing and also equally improbable. Advisers will not want to jump in a van for every trip. Students ‘mdash; who should be considered adults by the University ‘mdash; will chafe under the idea of needing a chaperone. Unless these two aspects are changed, many out-of-state trips will slowly disappear. I find it surprising that a dean who wants to amp up Pitt’s community service through events such as ‘Make a Difference Day’ won’t take a stronger stance. Shannon Black, School of Arts and Sciences