Letter to the Editor 2/20 #1

By Pitt News Staff

To the Editor, ‘ ‘ ‘ I look forward to visiting the University of Pittsburgh next month to… To the Editor, ‘ ‘ ‘ I look forward to visiting the University of Pittsburgh next month to speak with students about the situation in Palestine and Israel, and in particular, to talk about paths to a future of justice, equality, peace and freedom from any form of discrimination or violence for all the people who inhabit that land. ‘ ‘ ‘ Your article on the Student Government Board funding hearing for my visit quoted Becca Lehner of the group Panthers for Israel saying about me: ‘We feel like he will not bring a message of peace to the campus’ and that on my previous visit, ‘We feel that Abunimah personally affected students in a negative way.’ Another student, Aliyah Furman was concerned that I ‘would promote anti-Jewish views’ and that my visit might cause ‘anti-Semitism,’ according to the Feb. 18 article, ‘SGB grants funding for pro-Palestinian speaker.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ I am grateful SGB was not swayed by these inflammatory statements. I find it deeply troubling that some zealous advocates for Israel continually throw around such accusations in wanton attempts to silence much needed critical discussion about the situation in the Middle East. I am proud of my long record of speaking out against all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism. Ali Abunimah