Letter to the Editor 2/20 #2

By Pitt News Staff

To the Editor, ‘ ‘ ‘ The Executive Board of the College Democrats would like to express our… To the Editor, ‘ ‘ ‘ The Executive Board of the College Democrats would like to express our concern with Wednesday’s article titled, ‘Mayor discusses $250,000 trash can bill.’ This article showcased the worst kind of reporting. ‘ ‘ ‘ Those who attended the event will recall that Mayor Luke Ravenstahl spoke for an hour and a half on a wide range of topics including infrastructure repair, landlords in Oakland and the retention of young people and businesses in the city of Pittsburgh. ‘ ‘ ‘ The mayor spoke candidly and honestly about the new waste receptacles in the city and dismissed the fact that his name appears on them as a non-issue. ‘ ‘ ‘ As for the questioner’s charge of false fiscal conservatism, the balanced budgets of the past few years speak for themselves. ‘ ‘ ‘ I close by emphasizing our displeasure not with The Pitt News as an institution, but with the way in which it covered this particular event. Ian Lauer, on behalf of the College Democrats ‘ ‘ ‘ Executive Board President, College Democrats