Letter to the Editor 1-23 #2

By Pitt News Staff

To the Editor, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ It seems to me like the editorial published this past Wednesday about… To the Editor, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ It seems to me like the editorial published this past Wednesday about the bar being set too high for President Barack Obama is basically a pre-emptive excuse in case he does not perform well. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I am going to make the prediction now that if, in the next few years, all the problems facing our country begin to subside, then Obama will be praised as the hero and mastermind behind it all. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ However, if they do not, or even if they worsen, then Obama will be looked at as ‘only one man.’ Therefore, it would not possibly be his fault. Is this a double standard? Absolutely.’ So, if we are to follow the advice given to us by The Pitt News editorial staff, then how can we possibly be so hypercritical of President George W. Bush? How can we blame every single problem facing us today squarely on him?’ He was, after all, only one man. Patrick Graham Arts and Sciences student