Letter to the Editor 1

By Pitt News Staff

To the Editor, I’m not really sure where Josh Green was trying to go in his Nov. 25 column,… To the Editor, I’m not really sure where Josh Green was trying to go in his Nov. 25 column, ‘Force all heathens to celebrate Christmas.’ He starts off by observing that some stores are forbidding their employees to wish customers ‘Merry Christmas,’ then goes on to mention the American Humanist Association’s catchy new ad: ‘ Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness’ sake.’ But by the end of the column, this somehow translates into the idea that militant Christians are trying to force people to celebrate Christmas. I don’t get it. On the contrary, the evidence suggests that militant atheists and relativistic multiculturalists are trying to squelch Christians’ freedom to express their beliefs. Can you imagine the outrage if the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh put up signs saying, ‘Buddah is stupid. Believe in Jesus’? But for some reason, it’s not intolerant if the AHA wants to say ‘God is stupid. Just be educated,’ which seems to be the general gist of their advertisement. I’m all for a healthy pluralism, but that involves entering a dialogue with the beliefs of others, not silencing them out of a false sense of ‘tolerance.’ Kathryn Plazek College of Arts ‘amp; Sciences ’10