Letter to the Editor 4, 10/16/08

By Pitt News Staff

Dear Editor, Steve Kaszycki’s letter displays astounding ignorance about the consequences of… Dear Editor, Steve Kaszycki’s letter displays astounding ignorance about the consequences of STDs and the usefulness of providing condoms to sexually active individuals. He claims that by receiving free condoms, Pitt students are abandoning responsibility for their choices. Making something convenient and free for students hardly implies that they will not be responsible in procuring these items at another time. His statement that ‘we allow students to fail academically when they make poor choices, so let’s permit them to fail sexually’ is callous and ignores the fact that universities provide resources for students, should they choose to use them, to ensure academic success.’ Much like office hours or writing centers, having condoms available gives students another tool to act responsibly. Additionally, when a student fails academically, it does not affect the broader community, while the spread of STDs certainly does. Lastly, we would like to point out the inaccuracy of Kaszycki’s claim that the best measure of sexual health is to have only one partner. While any health professional will tell you that a monogamous relationship between uninfected partners is the safest sex, this is not the only way to be healthy. Condoms are an effective way to preserve one’s sexual and reproductive health, and we hope that Kaszycki will realize that providing them to college students is simply a way to contribute to their well-being. Robyn Swirling Political Action Chair, Student Global AIDS Project