After Nordenberg gives OK, Pitt changes policy

By Katelyn Polantz

‘ ‘ ‘ Pitt officially changed the University policy for nondiscrimination yesterday to include… ‘ ‘ ‘ Pitt officially changed the University policy for nondiscrimination yesterday to include ‘gender identity or expression,’ said Pitt vice chancellor of communications Robert Hill. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘The Chancellor made the decision, so the process to make it official was to get it through the channels,’ said Hill. ‘ ‘ ‘ Nordenberg approved the change this summer following a resolution from the Student Government Board. After that, Hill said that the decision had to pass through the Office of the Budget and Controller, headed by vice chancellor Arthur G. Ramicone, and be worded correctly to fit into the standing policy. ‘ ‘ ‘ Pitt’s former nondiscrimination policy prohibited discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, disability or veteran status. It had not protected students, faculty and staff from unfair treatment because of gender expression, which would include people who are transgender or transsexual. ‘ ‘ ‘ The University’s amended nondiscrimination, equal opportunity and affirmative action policy can be found on the Budget and Controller’s Web site,, under the University Policies and Procedures link. It is listed as policy number 07-01-03. ‘ ‘ ‘ The Pitt News reported last Thursday that Nordenberg supported the change to the policy, although other top University administrators were not aware of the change at the time.