Priestas, slate found not guilty


After receiving a grievance alleging that the Dedication slate received an illegal… After receiving a grievance alleging that the Dedication slate received an illegal endorsement, the Student Government Board’s elections committee declared Dedication not guilty at a hearing last night.

The grievance, which was filed on Thursday, claimed that the slate’s poster on display in the window of the Forbes Avenue 7-Eleven was a violation of the election’s code.

The code states: “Only recognized student organizations, fraternities and sororities may endorse candidates.” Additionally, it says that candidates may not solicit or accept endorsements from sources other than student organizations, including businesses.

“Simply posting a flyer in a business does not constitute an endorsement,” elections committee chairman Pat Moroney said after the hearing.

The Dedication slate consists of presidential candidate and current board member Jim Priestas, along with board candidates Perry Servedio and Francee Varner.

“It’s a very serious matter, and the elections committee did a very nice job hearing both sides,” Priestas said. “The plaintiff had a very strong argument against us, and it just so happened that the elections committee found us not guilty.”

Both parties had the opportunity to present their arguments at the hearing, with the elections committee interjecting with questions of their own whenever they saw fit.

After the proceeding, Priestas had nothing but praise for all parties involved. “I would like to thank the elections committee as well as the two young ladies who filed the grievance,” he said, “It was nice to see someone take as much pride in student government as I do.”