House of Representatives honors life of Bob O’Connor


Former mayor Bob O’Connor isn’t finished being publicly praised yet. This time, it’s the… Former mayor Bob O’Connor isn’t finished being publicly praised yet. This time, it’s the U.S. Congress that is remembering his life.

U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle (Pa.-14) introduced legislation last week honoring Pittsburgh’s deceased mayor who died of brain cancer.

The text of the bill includes a listing of O’Connor’s lifetime accomplishments and offers condolences to his family and the city of Pittsburgh.

“Bob O’Connor’s tragic and untimely death has deeply saddened all of us, not just his family and friends,” Rep. Doyle said. “I felt that it was only appropriate that Congress recognize his many achievements, mourn his loss and extend its condolences to his family, friends and constituents.”

Doyle introduced the legislation on Sept. 6, the first day the House of Representatives was in session since O’Connor’s death.

The bill contains language that praises O’Connor as being “widely respected and loved for his warmth, friendliness, intelligence, integrity, and his dedication to the City of Pittsburgh.”

According to a representative for Doyle, the legislature often gives this type of honor to prominent and accredited members of society.

“It’s not at all uncommon for legislation like this to be passed,” said Matt Dinkel, a spokesman for Rep. Doyle. “It’s a way of providing national recognition to the man and his life.”

According to a press release, the bill has bipartisan support and its Republican sponsor will be U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy.

It is expected that John Boehner, House majority leader, will bring the bill to the House floor this week.

“This legislation was proposed because [O’Connor] was a man who for over 20 years dedicated himself to public service — and that’s enough right there,” said Dinkel. “It’s only appropriate at times of tragedy that the federal government recognizes a region’s loss.”

–Assistant News Editor Jared Trent Stonesifer contributed to this article.