Skateboarding offers various tricks


The tricks that skateboarders do look dangerous and, if done correctly, impressive. But those… The tricks that skateboarders do look dangerous and, if done correctly, impressive. But those of us who missed the last couple Tony Hawk Pro Skater games might need a little refresher on what they’re attempting to do on Atwood.

Skater Bobby Daly said the basic building block for all other skateboarding moves is the “ollie,” in which the skater jumps and the skateboard goes with him.

Next, Daly said, is the “manual,” a trick that has the skateboarder glide across the pavement on only the board’s back two wheels. On the front two wheels, this is called a nose manual.

According to online skateboarding guide, a “shuvit” is a trick that makes the skateboard spin beneath a skater who does not spin.

The “pop shuvit” is a variation of the previous trick where the board still spins and the skater doesn’t, but this time the board ollies into the air with the skater as it spins.

Another important trick is the “kickflip,” but once you know what it is, don’t expect the skaters on Atwood to do it on command.

The kickflip is like the ollie described above, but in this trick the board flips in the air before the skater, hopefully, lands back on top of it.

These are some of the most common tricks that casual spectators will see on Atwood Street, but there are a wide range of other tricks that require rails, half pipes and other environments.